Christmas Exhibition – George Birrell & Simon Laurie RSW RGI

Our Christmas Exhibition is next up and features two of the most popular and collectable contemporary Scottish artists working today – George Birrell and Simon Laurie. Both graduates from Glasgow School of Art and both have wonderfully colourful and distinctive styles.

Simon has won numerous awards for his distinctive abstract landscape and still life paintings. Drawing stylistic inspiration from (amongst others) the work of the St. Ives School and the Scottish Colourists, Simon uses everyday objects and the landscapes of Scotland, and more recent trips to the Greek Islands, to produce stunningly colourful, well-balanced compositions that never fail to please.

George’s instantly recognisable landscapes, where the architecture, inspired from the towns and villages of the East Coast, competes with the emotion of the “time and place” as the main subject of his paintings. Distinctive, stylised, compositions with an assured, confident use of colour, George’s work just gets better and better.