Title: The Wanderer – Mount Fuji
Size: 86cm x 75cm
Medium: Oil on Canvas (Unframed)

Additional Information
"I am reminded of Caspar David Friedrich’s ‘The Wanderer’. I have produced my own version of it here in the show - it was painted just after the first stage of lockdown when I got back into my studio in Edinburgh after two months being shut out of it. Like a lot of people I was experiencing a wanderlust but at the same time we were all also thinking a lot of our inner spaces , our loved ones, and those we were separated from, by distance and or time. The picture reminds me of my late father - I had no intention to paint it there - it just emerged from the canvas. He was a lover of the out doors and Japanese print and trees and of course wandering too. It’s not literally him of course - it could be me, it could be you stepping into the beyond. That yonder is not just a physical space its a psychological one too. And so it is with the astronaut, who like some portal draws us in to journey which is as much a journey through inner space as it is about any any outer one." Arran Ross 2022

Price: POA

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About the Artist

Arran Ross is a Scottish artist whose output encompasses Sculpture, Painting and Photography. A previous winner of the Pollock Krasner  and JD Fergusson Awards, he also taught at Edinburgh College of Art.

I am best known for the Astronaut”, the central nomadic character in an epic narrative, which began life in the Mid to Late 1990’s. This alter ego creation leads us on a pilgrimage, a journey through inner space as much as any Outer One. It’s a contemporary parable or rather series of, on the theme of escape, told in sculptural, photographic and painted form which brings to mind classics such as Dante’s Inferno, Gullivers Travels, fused with more recent influences, Kubrick, Bowie and like modern day Manga shares a similar kind of cartoon like, Apocalyptic edge.

 This is best encapsulated by the 2359 series originating in 2018, an Apocalyptic safari, with the Astronaut appearing, simultaneously, in various settings throughout the Earth, at a point in time, ominously close to midnight which, metaphorically speaking, parallels where we seem to be ourselves, as a species.  And while we ponder our escape beyond the stars, it’s worth considering that our Spaceman friend has quite possibly escaped or returned back here himself, to Planet Earth, the only oasis we know of yet in the Universe.