Title: Relics in Brick Arrangement No.3
Size: 18cm x 18cm x 10.5cm
Medium: Carved Brick on Elm

Price: £190

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About the Artist

Ailsa Magnus graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 1989. After completing postgraduate studies at Gray's School of Art, Robert Gordon's University, Aberdeen, she spent 4 years at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop. During this time she concentrated on exhibiting and building on her skills, developing a portfolio of work.

Since 1994, Ailsa has established a solid reputation in public art. In addition to carved wood and stone sculptures, her public commissions across Scotland, Northern England, London and Wales and Scotland have included carved brick relief walls, cast relief floor-scapes and decorative paving. Her most recent works have been cast in iron both free-standing and ground based.
In 2010 she became a member of the Royal Society of Sculptors.
When I have the opportunity I like to take some time out to develop my more personal portfolio of works. The resulting works are inspired by ancient artefacts observed and studied over the years. I am influenced by early man's desire to decorate and enhance the surface of objects from cup and ring markings, standing stones, stone-age tools to early bronze implements. The iconic nature of these archaeological finds stays with me, through making with my own hands I carry on the tradition that has inspired me from early archaeology, the astounding development of man's ability to create by hand. The current body of work developing in the studio, some of which is shown here, also reflects the desire to order and arrange for display.