Title: Lucie, Single Ring (SL1)
Size: 15.5cm diameter approximate
Medium: Stoneware Ceramic Urchin Pot

Additional Information
Urchin and Bamboo series inspired by the limited palette and hand scratched markings of Lucie Rie. All vessels are hand built then glazed and fired several times to stoneware to achieve individual, decorative & tactile pieces.

Price: £70

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About the Artist

Sarah Lawson - Clai Ceramics

Sarah Lawson is a ceramic maker originally from Wales and now living in Edinburgh.  She creates unique hand built pottery inspired by nature, being near the sea, mountains, skies and vast landscapes of Scotland. All of her work is handbuilt in stoneware clay and fired multiple times which renders every piece completely unique. The addition of oxides and multilayered glazes during these firings achieve individual, decorative, functional & tactile pieces. She believes that how the work feels to the touch is as important as the visual aesthetics. Her work is meant to be held.

Her latest collection of work is inspired by the seas and skies of Scotland.