Title: Into the Woods
Size: 122cm x 60cm
Medium: Acrylic on Board

Additional Information

Badger’s Wood, Fife April 2nd 2021

"Chestnut leaves unfurl, tiny green fists grabbing handfuls of sky, pulling the blue down to their roots. A frenzy of feathers marks a death in the wood, a dark spot where the sun does not reach. A pair of painted lady butterflies mingle with a story about great uncle Hugh who captained ships up the Amazon and collected butterflies the size of dinner plates to bring home to his family in Liverpool. Still water sits in hollows made by the tractor, a rusted machine, a twin-tub perhaps, interred in the garden of a derelict cottage where now nettles choke all but the ground elder. Every morning a woodpecker comes."

Dominique Cameron


About the Artist

Dominique Cameron RSW - Artist's Statement

As an artist my practice is rooted in landscape. I walk, draw, paint, write and film my encounters through the urban environment and the rural.

I grew up in the West country, a place of beauty, boredom and economic division. The most exciting thing for us as teenagers was the local disco on a Friday night and waiting for the Top 40 on a Sunday tea-time, trying to tape it on our mono tape recorders. This lack of adventure led to walking, away from home. There were particular routes I would take often, places I got to know in detail. It was a kind of ‘mapping’, charting the unknown parts of my surrounding landscape. To this day it is something I do on arrival in a new place, except now I make things that articulate what I find as artefact, as document as re-imagined memory of place. The teenage girl is still there, I can’t quite seem to shake her off, but its comforting to know I am still as curious and awkward and persistent.


1989-92 – Napier University, Edinburgh – B.A. Photography (Distinction).

2013-14 – Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee – MFA Art, Society and Publics.