Title: Courtyard Cafe Can Cardaix, Arta, Mallorca
Size: 20 x 16 inches
Medium: Oil on Linen

Price: £2400

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About the Artist

Brief Biography/Curriculum Vitae

Studied drawing and painting under Sir Robin Philipson and David Michie.

Graduated Edinburgh College of Art 1971.

1983 – 2003 Lectured drawing and painting further education. Internal SQA verifier for fine art. Curriculum development included writing entire HND Environmental Art & developing all drawing and painting elements of this. Validated by SQA, panel chaired by David Harding, Head of Environmental Art at Glasgow School of Art. Latterly Member of Advisory Panel, Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen.

2007 – 2010 Elected President of Paisley Art Institute.

2010 - 2017 Elected member of council Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts.

2007, 2009 Assessor, Scottish Drawing Competition.

2010, 2011 Assessor Aspect Prize.

1993 Elected artist member Paisley Art Institute; professional member Visual Arts Scotland 1994; artist member Glasgow Art Club 2002.

(Gap in exhibiting due to painting less while bringing up children.)

Exhibitions in solo and group shows throughout Britain.

Recipient of several awards among which are The Aspect Prize 2003 and the Diploma of the Paisley Art Institute “PAI”.

Selected Exhibitions by invitation

“Locations Empirical” St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow 2000 (solo)

House of Scientists, St Petersburg, Russia 2003

DACS 20thAnniversary Exhibition curated by Peter Blake, The Mall Galleries, London 2004

“The River Runs Through It” Kelvingrove Art Galleries 2010

Major retrospective “Singular” Maclaurin Galleries, Ayr 2012 (solo)

“ Locations Empirical II” Queen’s Cross Mackintosh Church Glasgow, 2013.(solo)

“Emphatic Interpretations” collaboration with musician in MacGyver, Westermarkt, Amsterdam, January – March 2015

Work held in corporate, public and private collections UK, Europe, Australia and USA..

Painting “Retrospection” selected as book cover for work published by Bloodaxe Books.

Lecture and masterclass invitations include Sutherland, Dumbarton, Helensburgh, Paisley Museum, East Renfrewshire Council, Friends RSA Edinburgh, GSWA, Friends Maclaurin Galleries Ayr, Troon Art Club, Bearsden Art Club and Na Caragol School in Arta, Baleares.


The Dictionary of Artists in Britain since 1945 by David Buckman

Who’s Who in Scotland

Who’s Who in Art