Title: Comment 16
Size: 24.8cm x 16.7cm plate size. 43.5cm x 48.5cm including frame.
Medium: Etching

Additional Information
Signed, titled "Comment 16", inscribed "To Alex and Christine with Best Wishes" and numbered 1/30 in pencil. A 3cm gold wood frame with distressed finish, under glass. The etched wording reads, "Look to this day, for it is Life. In its brief course lie all the varieties & realities of your existence: the bliss of growth; the glory of action; the splendour of beauty. For yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day. Such is the salutation of the dawn."


About the Artist

Ian Fleming RSA RSW is a landscape painter in oil and watercolour, also etcher. Landscape, portaiture, genre and semi abstracts. Studied Glasgow School of Art 1924-29, specialising in engraving, colour woodcuts and lithography.

After further studies in Paris he toured southern France and Spain before returning to teach at Glasgow School of Art 1931-47 with a wartime break that saw him first as a Glasgow reserve policeman (recorded in a series of etchings) and from 1941 in the Pioneer Corps, demobbed 1946 with the rank of major.

In Aberdeen he resuscitated the Aberdeen Artists Society in  1958. After retirement in 1971, founded Peacock Printmakers and Artspace. Warden of Patrick Allan Fraser Art College, Arbroath, 1948-54. Head of Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen 1954. Lived in Aberdeen for many years. One of Scotland’s most important twentieth century etchers. Prepared some memorable scenes of wartime Glasgow. Elected RSW 1946, ARSA 1947, RSA 1956.

Exhibited almost annually from 1929, RA(4), GI(93) & frequently at the AAS 1959-78.

Represented in SNGMA, Belfast AG, Bradford AG, Dundee AG, Glasgow AG, City of Edinburgh Collection (2), Lillie AG (Milngavie), Liverpool AG, Newcastle AG, Paisley AG, Perth AG, RSA, Biblioteque-Nationale, Paris.

Biography: The Dictionary of Scottish Art & Architecture - Peter J M McEwan.